viernes, 23 de marzo de 2012

Money Left Around German City by Anonymous Donor

In the small city of Braunschweig, Germany, someone is giving away money in packets of €10,000 ($13,128), leaving the recipients happy and the citizens intrigued by the mysterious donor. The anonymous donor — affectionately called Germany's Robin Hood by the media — is leaving envelopes filled with euro notes to local good causes. Envelopes have been discovered behind hymn books in a church, under a doormat on a well-lit porch and at the reception desk of the local newspaper. Envelopes have been discovered behind hymn books in a church, under a doormat on a well-lit porch and at the reception desk of the local newspaper. The money is often accompanied with a newspaper clipping. In one case, an article about a boy paralyzed in a swimming accident was paired with the cash, the boy's name underlined. The donor has yet to be spotted. "All the people of the town know is that he or she (or perhaps even they) are very generous, having left 190,000 euros (£158,480) so far. The mystery donor may have given even more. They gave:
€10,000 for a day-care center
€10,000 for four local churches
€10,000 for a choir
€10,000 for a group providing meals to the homeless
€10,000 for a soup kitchen
and on and on.
Braunschweig, Germany

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